
Help I need Energy!

“If your always tired and never enthused, than life is no fun but if you’re always inspired and filled with energy than every minute of every day is an exciting experience!” – The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer   This one of the best audio books on self-improvement and positive thinking that I have ever listened to. It is deals with conquering the negative voice in your head so you can move forward in your life. It gives you practical steps on how to change your outlook on life and to think more positively. And how to harness your inner energy so that you are not always tired and are enthusiastic to take on your day. I have listened to it 3 times and each time I learn something new. As someone who tends to be an overthinker and worrier it really helped me to center my thoughts. And gain further insight in myself and how to change so that I can achieve true happiness and contentment. It is funny when I was young, I would seek adventure and excitement. And now all I want is ...

Life is Water Not Stone

Now, water can flow, or it can crash. Be water my friend.” - Bruce Lee How do you handle an obstacle? Do you freak out and imagine the worst-case scenario? Do you pretend it is not there and go about your business until it becomes a bigger problem? Do you face it head on with a plan? My old self would go immediately to the worst-case scenario. Then I would over think it until it became a much bigger problem in my head. As I got older, I realized that life is solving problems. It was my reaction to these problems that was the real issue. That using my logical brain instead of my emotions made the problem seem small. And I could come up with a plan. I realized that life is water not stone. The more I flowed with the current even when the water got rough, I would always came to the same destination. Are you feeling stuck and cannot seem to get moving with a plan to tackle your weight issues? I am a health and wellness coach specializing in woman looking to get back to a place where they f...

Your the Only One who can be Yourself

“I never rehearse to be myself!” -Walter Mercado I just finished watching the Walter Mercado documentary on Netflix. What struck me the most was how he was himself from the time he was a small child to the time he died. And through all his struggles he never swayed from this. I think this is why he was such an inspiration to millions of people. I wish that I could have been this way earlier in my own life. I feel as if I am only understanding and accepting myself now. Like the song goes “I wish I knew what I knew now when I was younger.” With every passing year the more I accept and let go, the easier it all became. I would have gone through the same struggles and obstacles but perhaps I would have let go of the things I could not change and move forward with ease and grace. Perhaps not but it is a nice thought. I think I have felt at times that life was like having a boulder chained  to my neck as I tried to climb a mountain. But as I try new things and step further fr...

Meditation can be Anything

If you have ever tried to meditate when you first begin it feels impossible. I started doing it because I was stressed out and it seemed like the thing most experts said to do to elevate stress and anxiety. Quieting my mind and breathing felt like torcher. Eventually I got good at it and I could feel a difference in my stress level and anxiety. But I got kind of arrogant about it. When people would talk to me when they were stressed, I would suggest that they should meditate. Now I realize how condescending it sounds. It’s like saying to someone, “I see your upset, so why do not you shut up and sit in the corner and breath”. If you could see a thought bubble above their head it would say, “Na ma ste away from you.” But I got out of the habit and stopped. Recently I tried to start again. But I could not sit still, and it was actually making me feel more anxious and frustrated that I couldn’t make my mind shut up. I was talking to friend of mine about it and she told me a story from ...

Jump in the Water's Great!

“Sometimes you need to jump into the deep end of the ocean. Or stand on the beach wishing you had.” -Carrie Oleson I tend to be an overthinker. I can go over conversations in my head that I had years ago. So that I could say things the way I wanted to, and the conversation would come out in my favor. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking of all the things I regret and should have done differently. In my more pessimistic moods  I would think, “ I’m too old to change. I’m set in my ways.” But there was something about turning 40 that freed me. It was like a switch went off in my head and I thought, “ You know what I don’t give a f**k.” I stopped caring as much about what people thought of me and started doing what made me happy. I started taking my health more seriously because I wanted to be an old lady who kicked ass. I still had 40 more years to live and I wanted to do it on my terms. And I was not going to let anyone’s negativity get in my way. I started hanging wit...

When NICE becomes a Four-Letter Word

My whole life people have been saying I am “TOO NICE”. They say with a sour face like it is a put down. Like they pity me for being weak. But I see it as an absolute strength. First of all   the way I was raised was to have a positive attitude and to help people who need it. I am volunteering to help because I want to, and it makes me feel good. And as a coach it is my biggest strength because when my clients are feeling down about themselves, I make sure that they come out of the session feeling positive and motivated. I see it as a big part of my job, and it is incredibly rewarding. I think the valuable lesson I have learned is to be good to good people. And to set definite boundaries with the people who will take advantage. Or straight up say, “Sayonara”. So now when people call me “Too Nice” I just smile and  say, “Thank you that’s so sweet.” Is there anyone in your life that has been there for you when you needed it the most. Send them a text thanking them. I promis...

Venting vs. Complaining

“Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once” -Green Day I actually think Venting is healthy. It is a great way to let out all your frustration and anger. It is like releasing the pressure valve inside of you. The problem is when you vent about something repeatedly. It turns into something unhealthy. Without realizing it something that ruined your day starts to ruin your week. You go from venting to your partner to venting to your friends then coworkers. Soon Bob down the street is not making eye contact because all he wanted to do is say hi. When venting turns into complaining. It can be very addictive. When you complain you get people’s undivided attention and they commiserate with you offering sympathy. The problem is when all you do is complain people’s sympathy turns to annoyance. They will start to offer you solutions to your problem. But you are not looking for solutions your looking for sympathy. I challenge you today to go one day withou...