
Showing posts from June, 2020

When NICE becomes a Four-Letter Word

My whole life people have been saying I am “TOO NICE”. They say with a sour face like it is a put down. Like they pity me for being weak. But I see it as an absolute strength. First of all   the way I was raised was to have a positive attitude and to help people who need it. I am volunteering to help because I want to, and it makes me feel good. And as a coach it is my biggest strength because when my clients are feeling down about themselves, I make sure that they come out of the session feeling positive and motivated. I see it as a big part of my job, and it is incredibly rewarding. I think the valuable lesson I have learned is to be good to good people. And to set definite boundaries with the people who will take advantage. Or straight up say, “Sayonara”. So now when people call me “Too Nice” I just smile and  say, “Thank you that’s so sweet.” Is there anyone in your life that has been there for you when you needed it the most. Send them a text thanking them. I promis...

Venting vs. Complaining

“Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once” -Green Day I actually think Venting is healthy. It is a great way to let out all your frustration and anger. It is like releasing the pressure valve inside of you. The problem is when you vent about something repeatedly. It turns into something unhealthy. Without realizing it something that ruined your day starts to ruin your week. You go from venting to your partner to venting to your friends then coworkers. Soon Bob down the street is not making eye contact because all he wanted to do is say hi. When venting turns into complaining. It can be very addictive. When you complain you get people’s undivided attention and they commiserate with you offering sympathy. The problem is when all you do is complain people’s sympathy turns to annoyance. They will start to offer you solutions to your problem. But you are not looking for solutions your looking for sympathy. I challenge you today to go one day withou...

Eat Like you Love Yourself

So your Doctor has told you need to lose weight to improve your overall health. That you’re going to have heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. You look in the mirror and know you need to lose weight to look better. Your always tired and you know exercise will boost your endorphins and you will make you feel upbeat and energetic. You know all these things so what is stopping you from taking the first step.  Something is holding you back. It’s like a mental block keeping you frozen. Even though your logical brain knows that you will look and feel better. There’s a strong disconnect. The disconnect is different for everyone. Perhaps it’s that inner dialog. I’ll never lose the weight so why bother trying. I’m too old. I’m too tired. I hate exercising. Perhaps a food addict and can’t stop. Maybe you use food for every possible emotion. Whether it’s sadness, anger, depression. Or celebrating that you feel good and happy. Perhaps you just feel like I’ve tried everything, you...

Motherhood and Anxiety: Why they go hand in hand

Motherhood and Anxiety: Why they go hand in hand In my 34 years of working with children Mothers have always felt comfortable with me to talk about their concerns and worries. Part of it is that  they know I will really listen to them with compassion. But they also just need reassurance that they are doing a good job and that the kids are doing well. I always say that asking a Mother not to worry is like asking the ocean to stop making waves. It is impossible. It is just part of the job that no one tells you about. I have noticed is the dramatic increase of worry and anxiety. Especially over the last 20 years. Woman putting an extreme amount of pressure on themselves to be the perfect parent. Trying to balance work and parenting and excelling at both simultaneously. But always feel like there falling short then endlessly beating themselves up. If they succeed at work, they feel like there failing at parenting. If they have a win at parenting, then work suffers. It is an endless cyc...

Don't Let Fear Control Your Life!!!

Climb that mountain and Shove Fear off the Cliff Fear is our worst enemy. It the number one thing that holds us back from every dream. Fear is that voice in your head telling you I’ll never accomplish that goal. I’ll never live that dream. It can be debilitating. Keeping you stuck and unhappy. It is possible to overcome this. By identifying that voice in your head. That voice could be a Parent, sibling, coach, or teacher who always told you weren’t good enough. That you weren’t smart enough to get that degree. That you’re not disciplined enough to lose the weight. Why bother going for that promotion, you’ll never get it. If you weren’t so lazy, we may have won the game.  It could be your own voice. That self-deprecating inner dialogue you have with yourself. That you will never be enough. Whatever that voice is saying they are WRONG . Let me help you find a new voice . Let me be your unconditional support. Let me be that voice of encouragement reassuring you that you can achieve ...

The Time is NOW!!!

Do you feel overwhelmed by daily life? Do you ever feel as if there aren’t hours in the day to get everything done? Between being a stressed parent and an overworked employee. At the end of the day you can barely keep your eyes open. Or worse you can’t sleep because you can’t turn off your brain and truly get some rest. The problem with living this way is that something must give. The last thing you want is for that something to be you. I can help you come up with a plan to manage your maxed-out life. Whether it’s helping you to organize the kids schedule. Coming up with a health plan to manage your overall health and wellness. Finally cleaning out that garage or starting that project you should have done years ago . Or helping you plan for the next goal in your life so that you can level up. Having the confidence to go for that promotion. All this can be accomplished though time management. Which leads into stress management. So that you can finally live a well-balanced life. We...